
Our fingerprinting service helps community members get the information they need for school- or work-related background checks.

Fingerprinting is done by appointment only. Use the booking form below to make an appointment and pay online.

There is a small charge to pay for the costs of providing this service. We only accept debit/credit card payments (no cash, check or money order):

  • UIUC students: $15 for the first card and $5 for each additional card
  • Other students: $15 each card
  • UIUC faculty/staff: $25 for the first card and $10 for each additional card
  • All others: $35 for the first card and $10 for each additional card

Be sure to bring a government-issued photo ID on the date of your appointment. Acceptable identification include:

  • Driver’s license
  • State ID
  • Firearm Owner’s Identification
  • Passport

Note that i-cards or other student IDs are NOT accepted for this service.

Book your appointment
