Report A Crime
Call 911 to report an emergency or crime in progress.
We’re here to help.
We offer a variety of services to get you the assistance you need.
If you need an officer dispatched in Champaign County, but the situation is not an emergency, call 217-333-8911.
Otherwise, check out these options:
For general inquiries
Phone: 217-333-1216
Fax: 217-244-1979
Email: police@illinois.edu
Address: Public Safety Building
1110 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Case updates
If you are seeking information or an update on a report you recently filed, please call 217-333-1216 to be directed to the officer working on your case.
Requesting copies of reports
Because of the potentially sensitive information they contain, all requests for copies of reports or other law enforcement documents are reviewed through the Freedom of Information Act process. You can request records through FOIA on our website.
Questions or feedback?
This contact form is for general inquiries and feedback only. Do not use this form to report an emergency or crime in progress. Call 911 instead.