Compliments or Complaints

The Division of Public Safety seeks to provide professional, courteous and effective service to our community members. Occasionally, a community member may feel that an officer has not acted professionally or ethically — in those cases, you can file a complaint to initiate a formal investigation of the officer’s behavior.


We strive to go above and beyond. If you encountered an officer or Division of Public Safety employee who went beyond the normal call of duty or who provided particularly satisfactory service, you can let us know by submitting a comment on our general feedback form or email us directly at

File a formal complaint

If you believe an officer engaged in professional misconduct or illegal behavior, complaints may be filed in writing or made verbally to a member of the Division of Public Safety supervisory team.

You may choose to complete a citizen’s complaint form to formally log your complaint. Completed complaint forms should be returned to the U. of I. Public Safety Building, 1110 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, by hand, mail or email.

Verbal complaints can be made in-person or over the phone by calling 217-333-1216.

If you would like to provide general feedback, but you do not believe it rises to the level of formal misconduct, you can contact us directly.


It is our policy to investigate all allegations of wrongdoing by employees. Because of the weight complaints carry both in the department and the community, the Division of Public Safety has specific policies and procedures to investigate and resolve formal complaints against police officers and other department members.

How are complaints made?

Throughout the year, members of the police department handle a variety of calls and have numerous contacts with the community. In some cases, individuals may feel that a member of the police department has treated them in a less than professional manner. If a person feels this has occurred, they can file a formal complaint. This complaint will be forwarded to the Chief of Police for assignment and investigation.

Complaints must be filed within 30 days of the date of the incident giving rise to the complaint unless the complainant is physically unable to file a complaint because he or she has been hospitalized or called to active military duty. In such case, the complaint must be filed within 15 days of the date the person becomes physically able to file or has returned from active military duty.

What happens when a formal complaint is filed?

Once a complaint is filed, it will be forwarded to the Chief of Police, who will then assign it to a supervisor for investigation. Whenever possible, the investigation will be concluded within 60 days unless unusual circumstances warrant an extension. You will be kept informed as to the status of the investigation and you will be advised in writing as to the outcome of the investigation.

What happens when the investigation reveals wrongdoing?

If the complaint is found to be true, the department member at fault may be disciplined at the discretion of the Chief of Police. Disciplinary action may range from an oral reprimand to suspension, or in extreme cases, termination.