Division Stats and Info

A smiling group of Division of Public Safety employees pose for a photo with the Illini Union in the background.

Division Stats and Info

Annual Report detailing crime, use of force, budget and more for the 2022-23 school year.

Message from Chief Matt Ballinger

The 2022-2023 school year represented new territory for the Division of Public Safety.

That new territory was literal in one sense. Beginning Oct. 1, 2022, the University of Illinois Police Department took primary jurisdiction in an off-campus portion of Campustown that was previously served by the Champaign Police Department. This partnership allowed CPD to reallocate resources to other portions of the city that were more in need, and allowed UIPD to make sure that our students, faculty and staff retained the safety resources they expect.

It was a big adjustment — and more work — for our Division of Public Safety staff, but they excelled in their response. New territory meant more calls for service and more reports. Our police resources are augmented by new Community Service Officers and our growing Response, Evaluation and Crisis Help team. Pairing sworn police resources with non-sworn, unarmed responders allowed us to maintain the high level of service our community expects, even faced with the additional workload.

New territory was figurative in another sense, as the previous school year also marked the continued rollout of new technological tools. We are expanding our robust security camera network and automated license plate readers. With as much ground as we cover, human resources are limited. Technological tools are additional eyes and ears for safety, and have exceeded our expectations in how useful they have been to our police investigations and crime deterrence.

We will amplify that success in the next year as we continue to rollout improved safety resources and programming. We are a modern police department built on the pillars of 21st Century Policing, and together with our community partners, we are building momentum toward maintaining a safe and secure campus environment where academics, research and public service can flourish.


Matt Ballinger
Chief of Police and Executive Director of Public Safety

Police Chief Matt Ballinger

Department Information


The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Division of Public Safety operates with a singular mission: To promote a safe and secure environment where education, research and public service can flourish.

Goals and objectives

The Division of Public Safety has been a leader in progressive approaches to campus safety, but there remains much work to be done. Our strategic plan lays out our primary focus areas from 2022-2025, which are intentionally responsive to the needs voiced by our community.

Our strategic initiatives

  1. Community Engagement
  2. Community Outreach and Support Team
  3. Communication
  4. Employee Development
  5. Safe Campus Environment
  6. Technology
  7. Resilience

You can learn more about the Division of Public Safety’s specific goals and objectives by viewing our strategic plan:

Organizational Chart

The Division of Public Safety employs 74 sworn police officers and approximately 50-60 non-sworn employees. Non-sworn employees work as Telecommunicators, Security Guards, Community Service Officers, REACH Crisis Responders and more.

Crime statistics

We have a very safe campus, but no community will ever be entirely crime-free.

Crime in the campus area has neither increased nor has it declined substantially in recent years. Then why do the 2022-23 statistics look different?

Beginning Oct. 1, 2022, University Police assumed primary jurisdiction for a major portion of Campustown that was previously served by the Champaign Police Department. More ground to cover means more crime reports. Additionally, this new area is inherently different than the campus property University Police traditionally serve — there are far more private residences and businesses, and those property types present fundamentally different public safety issues.

Additionally, the 2020-2021 academic year is an anomaly as many students remained off campus and community members stayed at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crime reports, traffic enforcement and crashes

CRIMINAL OFFENSES 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
Total calls for service 16929 13501 7359
Reports taken 2409 1300 848
Murder 0 0 0
Sexual assault 23 6 5
Harassment 34 22 16
Domestic violence 34 16 12
Robbery 6 4 7
Aggravated assault 46 29 12
Burglary 111 2 5
Motor vehicle theft 71 7 6
Arson 3 2 1
Hate crimes 4 1 0
Weapons violations 17 19 11
Theft 391 227 114
Liquor Law Tickets/Arrests 20 29 4
TRAFFIC STOPS 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
Bicycle Warnings 23 18 7
Bicycle Tickets/Arrests 1 0 0
Pedestrian Warnings 42 22 2
Pedestrian Tickets/Arrests 12 0 0
All Other Vehicle Warnings 1662 1294 641
All Other Vehicle Tickets/Arrests 804 221 173
Vehicle Equipment Warnings 476 314 175
Vehicle Equipment Tickets/Arrests 6 2 5
License/Registration Warnings 435 211 111
License/Registration Tickets/Arrests 281 148 101
Total Crashes 280
Accidents with injuries 21
Accident involving pedestrian 4
Hit-and-run crashes 49
DUI crashes 10

Key points:

  • Theft is and likely will always be the most common crime on campus. It’s also easily preventable. Remember to lock your personal belongings at all times, and never leave valuables unattended in public.
  • Violence against women continues to be an elevated issue on college campuses across the country, and ours is no exception. There are resources available for anyone who has experienced this kind of violence or who wants to support someone who has.
  • We continue to make use of the student disciplinary system — not the legal system — for alcohol violations. UIPD took enforcement action in only 20 alcohol-related incidents during the past school year, while far more were referred to the student disciplinary office where students do not face legal consequences.

An important note about these crime statistics: This is a separate set of statistics from what can be found in our Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. There are two important reasons why these numbers appear different: (1) these statistics are presented for the previous school year (July 2022 through June 2023), whereas the Clery crime statistics follow the calendar year, and (2) federal disclosure mandates in the Clery Act require us to track and count Clery crimes that occurred on or immediately adjacent to campus property, whereas these statistics include all calls for service to which University Police responded.

Arrest Demographics

In the interest of transparency, University Police are providing aggregate statistics on the demographics of people arrested and ticketed so that our community members have more information about policing in the Champaign-Urbana community.

In reviewing these statistics, we ask our community members to consider the societal factors which may drive these statistics in one direction or the other. We acknowledge our role in this, and we are always striving to improve our philosophies, training regimens and recruiting efforts to promote equity in our policing strategies. However, systemic inequities permeate our society, and those inequities are reflected in data like these all over the country.

In fact, we present these statistics to put a spotlight on those systemic inequalities.

Every arrest we make is because our officers have probable cause to believe a crime has been committed — race alone is never a reason to stop someone, as it violates UIPD policy and an individual’s civil and constitutional rights. These statistics are influenced in part by factors that have nothing to do with law enforcement, including but not limited to housing opportunity, income equality, employment, and access to mental health resources. These systemic inequalities have consequences for our communities and, for decades, our society has burdened law enforcement with addressing a large portion of those issues.

Addressing these issues must instead be a community effort, and we hope you can join us in that effort.

Arrests and tickets (July 2022 through June 2023)

Race Taken to jail Juvenile Detention Cited/Summoned Warrant Arrest (other jurisdiction) Total Percent of All Arrests
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0 1 0 1 0.1%
Asian 31 0 66 2 99 14.8%
Black 145 10 90 20 265 39.6%
Unknown 1 0 3 0 4 0.6%
White 83 4 208 6 301 44.9%
All races 260 14 368 28 670 100%

Use of Force

The University of Illinois Police Department documents every instance of police use of force. Serious uses of force — like firing a weapon — are rare. In the last 10 years, UIPD officers have fired their weapons in only two incidents, neither of which were fatal.

Physical use of force is never the preferred option, and UIPD officers are trained to make attempts to de-escalate when it is practical and safe to do so. When there is not a reasonable opportunity to make attempts at de-escalation, officers are authorized to use the force necessary — including deadly force — if the officer or another person is at imminent risk of death or great bodily harm. The appropriate tactic depends on the situation.

Chokeholds were banned by an Illinois state law enacted in 2016. Additionally, chokeholds have not been a part of UIPD training for years.

Any officer present and observing another law enforcement officer or a member using force that is clearly beyond that which is objectively reasonable under the circumstances shall, when in a position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force. Additionally, UIPD officers are required to report those incidents to a supervisor immediately, and in writing to the Deputy Chief within five days.

The full use of force policy has been made available for review.

This is a summary of the frequency and the types of force used between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023:

Use of Force Type Total
Baton - Leverage Tool 1
Ground Control - Arm Control 16
Ground Control - Leg Control 5
Handgun - Pointing at Subject 14
Leg Restraint Dev - Hobble 1
Personal Strikes - Fists/Hands 2
Standing Control - Arm Control 12
Standing Control - Joint Manip. 4
Standing Control-Strike Pres Sen 1
Take Down 18
Taser - Deployed 3
Taser - Display 2
Unspecified 11
Total 90

Internal Affairs

UIPD officers are evaluated by their supervisors on a regular basis in order to catch any negative patterns or trends and to reinforce positive behavior. These evaluations also happen in real time if a supervisor has concerns about an officer’s performance. Additionally, UIPD regularly reviews body-worn camera and in-car camera footage as early detection of concerning behavior or patterns.

As university employees, UIPD officers are subject to the same disciplinary procedures as other university employees, which involves an escalating series of disciplinary actions if the officer fails to correct their behavior. In extreme cases, officers can be terminated on a first offense.

Serious alleged violations of department policy or criminal violations could prompt an internal affairs investigation which, if the violation is determined to be founded, can result in discipline. Here’s a summary of that activity within the Division of Public Safety between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023:

  • Internal affairs investigations initiated: 2
  • Violations determined to be founded: 2
  • Cases where formal discipline was imposed: 1 (the other resigned before discipline was imposed)
  • Investigations ongoing as of June 30, 2023: 0


UIPD officers and Public Safety staff are required to complete training in many categories — and mental health awareness, implicit bias, cultural competency and other topics are among them.

University Police officers alone completed 13,972 hours of training in 224 separate topics during the last school year — an average of about 191 hours of training per officer in a single year. Many of those are state- or department-mandated. Others are to enhance an officer’s expertise in a particular subject in order to provide specialized skills and resources for our community.

Non-sworn Public Safety employees — including security officers, Student Patrol, telecommunicators, emergency management staff, Clery compliance, business office staff and others — were busy training as well. Non-sworn staff completed 1,130 hours of training in 98 separate topics.

Listed below is all the training and employee development completed between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. Each row represents an individual who attended a class or took a course.

Police officers

Non-sworn Public Safety staff


The University of Illinois Police Department works hard to keep the community safe while being responsible custodians of public resources.

From July 2022 to June 2023, the total Division of Public Safety expenses were about $13.5 million. That’s everything — including salaries, equipment, self-supporting programs, gift funds and capital replacement. Here’s how we spent that money:

Fund Type Programs Adopted Perm Adj Temp Adj Accounted Expense BBA Unencumbered Encumbrances BBA Cash Balance Fund Balance Revenue 
Current Unrestricted - State Funds
100023 - 103 FY23 GRF/EAF/IF State Funds 664001 - CS Security-St       0 0 0 0 12,609 (12,609) 0 (12,609)      
  664021 - Administrative 8,242,695 545,435 (171,024) 8,617,106 9,628,898 (1,011,792) 0 (1,011,792)      
  664022 - Patrol Bureau 0 0 0 0 297,916 (297,916) 62,386 (360,302)      
  664023 - Detective Bureau 0 0 0 0 29,211 (29,211) 0 (29,211)      
  664025 - Crime Prevention Com Outreach 0 0 0 0 19,005 (19,005) 0 (19,005)      
  664026 - Security Cameras 0 0 32,073 32,073 54,699 (22,627) 0 (22,627)      
  664027 - Development-Recruit Test Hire Train 0 0 23,320 23,320 113,781 (90,461) 0 (90,461)      
  664028 - Business Operations 0 0 0 0 152,456 (152,456) 9,329 (161,785)      
  664029 - Compliance-Clery,Accreditation,AIM 0 0 0 0 14,666 (14,666) 0 (14,666)      
  664030 - Telecommunicators TC 0 0 0 0 50,219 (50,219)